About Engage GJ

The City of Grand Junction created Engage GJ at the beginning of 2023 for community members to provide their input. We know living in an area with 300 sunny days out of the year, it can be difficult for community members to participate in local government and attend scheduled meetings. We understand many of you have questions, thoughts, and ideas about Grand Junction and we want to hear your input! This site is a place where you can register and have an active voice in projects that are happening in Grand Junction. Visit the tab "All Projects" to engage with all current projects. 

While most public meetings and open house events are held after working hours, we understand attending these meetings might not fit in with schedules. This platform was created for community members to be involved in their local government projects. As you browse a project, you are able to read about projects (current and past) and provide input regarding the topic using curated tools and message boards to gather community feedback and keep up with specific projects that interest you by clicking the 'stay informed' icon. Comments and questions will be moderated by city staff and replies will be directed accordingly. 

In order to join the conversation, a user must register and provide minimal demographic information to get started. This information allows city staff to gain a better understanding of what our community members are discussing and to be able to measure feedback. Please note that your questions and/or comments may appear in public. We hope you enjoy being involved in community conversation and we appreciate your feedback. 

Conversations and remarks will be reviewed by an Engagement HQ moderator as well as city staff. Remarks should remain positive and enhance the conversation regarding projects as well as other usage guidelines should be followed. Review the moderation policy in the footer to learn about Engage GJ conversations.