What days are the parking meters free?
Parking meters in Grand Junction are fee-free on these Holidays: New Year’s Day, MLK Jr. Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, General Presidential Election Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. There are no fees on the weekends.
What is the Passport App?
The Passport App is a tool to use when parking and wanting to use your credit/debit card to pay for parking. To download the app, go to your smart device app store and search Passport Parking. Once you install the app, you should follow the directions to input your information.
Once your information is input to your profile, you will be ready to begin using the app to enter your parking area and space number.
Where can I use a smart meter?
Smart meter parking is available during the pilot study on 3rd St. south of Main St. and on 6th St. north and south of Main St.
View the meter maps in the documents widget.
Is parking free for handicap accessible?
Yes, with an official handicap placard or license plate, users may park for free at City parking meters or kiosks.