Who pays an impact fee?

    An impact fee is a one-time payment charged to new developments in the City of Grand Junction  to help ensure that the city can maintain the current levels of service our community expects as growth occurs. 

    What do impact fees fund?

    These fees are solely used to fund growth-related capital improvements in the city.

    When was the last impact fee study completed for Grand Junction?

    The City's last fee study for transportation, police, fire, parks, and municipal facilities was completed in 2019.

    Who can attend the informational meeting and provide feedback about impact fees?

    Any resident or business of Grand Junction can engage in the conversation regarding the impact fee study. 

    What does the impact fee study analyze?

    Impact fees help ensure that the City can maintain the current levels of service our community expects by offsetting the costs of new capital construction necessary to accommodate new development and growth. 

    The study will determine the cost of development-related capital improvements for transportation infrastructure, municipal facilities, parks, public safety (fire and police), and affordable housing and allocate thos costs equitably to various types of development (i.e. - residential, office).