How do I know whether my drinking water contains lead?

    Because it is colorless and tasteless, lead is not readily apparent in water. In fact, the only way to know for certain whether your drinking water contains lead is to have your water tested by a certified laboratory. Contact your water provider to find options available in our community.

    Does lead effect drinking water in Grand Junction?

    The City conducts water quality monitoring throughout the distribution system and issues an annual Water Quality Report. Lead is one of the parameters that is routinely monitored. The 2022 Water Quality Report demonstrated that the 90th Percentile of all the samples collected was 9.5 parts per billion which is below the regulatory Action Level of 15 parts per billion. The City will continue monitoring for lead as required by the regulations.

    What is Lead?

    Lead is a common naturally occurring metallic element that can be found in air, soil, and water. It is also a powerful toxin that is harmful to human health. Lead was commonly used in gasoline and paint until the 1970s and is still sometimes found in products such as ceramics, batteries, ammunition, and cosmetics. 

    How do I know if my home has a lead service line or lead plumbing?

    The City of Grand Junction is conducting inspections to determine if home service lines are lead in neighborhoods with older homes where lead may have been used. You can also hire a certified plumber to inspect indoor plumbing.

    You may be able to determine on your own if your service line is made of lead. Service lines typically enter the home in the basement or crawl space. If the pipe is lead, it will have a dull finish that shines brightly when scratched with a key or coin. Using a magnet can also help you identify a lead pipe because even a strong magnet will not cling to lead. 

    What does my utility do to protect my household from lead?

    We sample water at homes considered to be high-risk. The best way to ensure your home is safe from lead exposure through water is to remove the potential sources of lead.

    Who owns the lead service line?

    In the City of Grand Junction, lead service lines are owned by the City of Grand Junction up to the customer’s meter. The rest of the line is owned by the property owner. Replacing the entire lead service line is therefore a shared responsibility between the City of Grand Junction and each customer.

    Why is lead a health risk?

    Lead is a toxic metal that can cause immediate effects at high doses and long-term effects if it builds up in the body over many years. Lead can cause brain and kidney damage in addition to effects on the blood and vitamin D metabolism.

    How does lead get into drinking water?

    Lead is almost never present when water flows from the treatment facility, nor is it present in the water mains running beneath the streets. However, in some older homes lead may be present in the pipe connecting the home to the water system – known as a service line -- or in the home plumbing. Lead in service pipes, plumbing or fixtures can dissolve, or particles can break off into water and end up at the tap.