Micromobility in Grand Junction
About Shared Micromobility in Grand Junction
Over the course of March 2025, the Shared Micromobility Pilot will be sunset in favor of an enduring permitting program, as supported unanimously by City Council during the February 19, 2025 public hearing. This evolution is informed by almost two years of pilot study, during which staff met regularly with Shared Micromobility operators, other stakeholders, and the general public.
The most significant change being pursued is an expansion and consolidation of the Mandatory Parking Zones (MPZs) which covered the downtown business district, Riverfront corridor, Lincoln Park, Colorado Mesa University, and Sherwood Park throughout the pilot. This is expected to deliver three main benefits for the riders and non-riders alike:
- Reduced blocking of sidewalks or driveways. As riders will be required to end their trips in a designated corral, there will no longer be "free-floating" parking in the areas covered by the Mandatory Parking Zone. Scooters parked on sidewalks in the residential areas adjacent to downtown comprised the most frequent type of complaint received during the pilot.
- Reduced visual clutter. Many residents expressed distaste of the visual clutter resulting from scooters being distributed broadly in the community. Similar to the benefit above, consolidating the parking into designated corrals is expected to lessen the impact of any negative visual perception to the community.
- Improved reliability and intuitive operation. Rider operations will be simplified by allowing more trips to be completed entirely within the MPZ, allowing riders to more reliably know where equipment can be found and no longer expecting riders to come and go between different zones.
To support the expanded MPZs, additional parking corrals will be established through the expansion areas. Signs are being posted in February to designate where corrals are proposed, and any concerns or feedback can be expressed through the Parking Concerns survey.
Have a concern or issue with a scooter?
Please contact the operator via its app or the contact information here:
Vendor Contact | Bird | Lime |
Phone: | 1-866-205-2442 | 1-888-LIME-345 |
Email: | hello@bird.co | support@li.me |
Website: | www.bird.co | www.li.me |
About Shared Micromobility in Grand Junction
Over the course of March 2025, the Shared Micromobility Pilot will be sunset in favor of an enduring permitting program, as supported unanimously by City Council during the February 19, 2025 public hearing. This evolution is informed by almost two years of pilot study, during which staff met regularly with Shared Micromobility operators, other stakeholders, and the general public.
The most significant change being pursued is an expansion and consolidation of the Mandatory Parking Zones (MPZs) which covered the downtown business district, Riverfront corridor, Lincoln Park, Colorado Mesa University, and Sherwood Park throughout the pilot. This is expected to deliver three main benefits for the riders and non-riders alike:
- Reduced blocking of sidewalks or driveways. As riders will be required to end their trips in a designated corral, there will no longer be "free-floating" parking in the areas covered by the Mandatory Parking Zone. Scooters parked on sidewalks in the residential areas adjacent to downtown comprised the most frequent type of complaint received during the pilot.
- Reduced visual clutter. Many residents expressed distaste of the visual clutter resulting from scooters being distributed broadly in the community. Similar to the benefit above, consolidating the parking into designated corrals is expected to lessen the impact of any negative visual perception to the community.
- Improved reliability and intuitive operation. Rider operations will be simplified by allowing more trips to be completed entirely within the MPZ, allowing riders to more reliably know where equipment can be found and no longer expecting riders to come and go between different zones.
To support the expanded MPZs, additional parking corrals will be established through the expansion areas. Signs are being posted in February to designate where corrals are proposed, and any concerns or feedback can be expressed through the Parking Concerns survey.
Have a concern or issue with a scooter?
Please contact the operator via its app or the contact information here:
Vendor Contact | Bird | Lime |
Phone: | 1-866-205-2442 | 1-888-LIME-345 |
Email: | hello@bird.co | support@li.me |
Website: | www.bird.co | www.li.me |
Share I remember reading about this program and how successful it was, but I would like to see a P & L statement. Curious to see if taxpayers are subsiding this program and for how much? on Facebook Share I remember reading about this program and how successful it was, but I would like to see a P & L statement. Curious to see if taxpayers are subsiding this program and for how much? on Twitter Share I remember reading about this program and how successful it was, but I would like to see a P & L statement. Curious to see if taxpayers are subsiding this program and for how much? on Linkedin Email I remember reading about this program and how successful it was, but I would like to see a P & L statement. Curious to see if taxpayers are subsiding this program and for how much? link
I remember reading about this program and how successful it was, but I would like to see a P & L statement. Curious to see if taxpayers are subsiding this program and for how much?
Pete asked about 2 months agoHi Pete, thanks for your question. The pilot has had two sources of revenue: pilot permitting fee ($6,000 per operator), and ridership fee ($0.10 per trip). Over the pilot duration so far, this has returned $31,045 to the City, with $10,793 in 2024. Meanwhile, material costs have included plastic delineators, curb chalks, signage, and spray paint to designate parking corrals, for under $5,000, with additional investment planned for early 2025. The remainder of the revenue is covering staff time, which includes program administration, establishing infrastructure, and first response. The pilot has been substantively cost neutral.
cost,revenue,fees,taxes,administrationcost revenue fees taxes administration -
Share Is there an age requirement or any verification of age? I have seen children riding escooters down Gunnison after school and often times they run red lights/ stop signs. I have seen cars forced to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting the kids. Also scooter riders who use the street rarely obey traffic laws. I'm all for innovative solutions to alleviate the problems in town, but it's making certain areas much more risky to travel around. on Facebook Share Is there an age requirement or any verification of age? I have seen children riding escooters down Gunnison after school and often times they run red lights/ stop signs. I have seen cars forced to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting the kids. Also scooter riders who use the street rarely obey traffic laws. I'm all for innovative solutions to alleviate the problems in town, but it's making certain areas much more risky to travel around. on Twitter Share Is there an age requirement or any verification of age? I have seen children riding escooters down Gunnison after school and often times they run red lights/ stop signs. I have seen cars forced to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting the kids. Also scooter riders who use the street rarely obey traffic laws. I'm all for innovative solutions to alleviate the problems in town, but it's making certain areas much more risky to travel around. on Linkedin Email Is there an age requirement or any verification of age? I have seen children riding escooters down Gunnison after school and often times they run red lights/ stop signs. I have seen cars forced to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting the kids. Also scooter riders who use the street rarely obey traffic laws. I'm all for innovative solutions to alleviate the problems in town, but it's making certain areas much more risky to travel around. link
Is there an age requirement or any verification of age? I have seen children riding escooters down Gunnison after school and often times they run red lights/ stop signs. I have seen cars forced to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting the kids. Also scooter riders who use the street rarely obey traffic laws. I'm all for innovative solutions to alleviate the problems in town, but it's making certain areas much more risky to travel around.
Maverick asked 10 months agoHi Maverick, City and State law do not dictate a minimum age for ridership. Private operators Bird and Lime do have minimum age requirements, which are likely self-reported by the renter.
age,rider,rulesage rider rules -
Share Okay, it has been a year, and here is what I have seen so far: I tried the scooters once myself about 9-10 months ago. It was very convenient to get across town to pick up my car form the shop and not have to arrange a ride from a friend or family member. I live about 2/10 of a mile outside of the geofence, so I had to walk a bit to find an available scooter (found a Lime scooter at the edge of the geofence). On the parts of the trip that were along the Riverside Parkway where there is a nice wide sidewalk and little-to-no foot traffic, the trip was smooth. Once I had to move onto the streets, it was scary as heck. There are not bike lanes on the majority of GJ's streets and the pavement is very rough, with cracks and potholes on the edge where a scooter might want to ride. Will streets be repaired to make operating these scooters safer? Will there be streets that are designated for scooter traffic and/or streets where scooter traffic is prohibited? In parking lots, the riders often zip around, not following traffic lanes, but cutting across and darting out from between parked cars. How can this safety concern be addressed? On a trip downtown at night this weekend, I saw many of these scooters out at around midnight. The reflective devices, and headlights are inadequate to make the scooters/riders visible from a distance. This is extremely dangerous for the riders and not fair to the motorist who will be held liable if they hit a moving object they can barely see. Why to these devices not have better front and rear lights, side reflectors, or be restricted to daylight use only? Recently, I was traveling in my car on North Avenue at about 5:30 pm on a weekday (rush hour, before time change when it was dusk), when a rider inexplicably moved from riding in the far right lane (where I was), to ride the center of the inside/left lane. I assumed he was preparing to turn Left, and was moving over for that purpose, however, he continued in the center of that lane for about 1 mile. He was moving at approximately 20 mph in a 35 mph zone where cars are used to going about 40 mph (it used to be 40 mph years ago). A line of cars formed behind him. Going 15 MPH under the speed limit for long distances and refusing to move to the right while in heavy traffic certainly violates the law: Colorado law prohibits motor vehicle operators from driving at such a slow speed that they impede the normal and reasonable forward movement of traffic, unless their slow speed is necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle. In these situations, the driver must drive in the right‑hand lane if there is one available on the roadway, or pull off the roadway when possible to allow any impeded traffic to pass. I know these devices are supposed to use highly accurate geofencing to keep them off sidewalks in certain areas, so they also need to have the ability to track where riders are using them in travel lanes and give warnings to move right when they are traveling under the posted speed limit and restricting the flow of traffic. This was VERY dangerous to the rider especially. And nearly caused several rear-end collisions for cars not expecting traffic to suddenly come to a crawl. How will impeding traffic be addressed? I have also been irritated by the lack of designated places to park scooters, resulting in the whole city looking like it is inhabited by a pack of 10 year olds who rode home and dumped their bikes in the middle of the sidewalk. They litter the sidewalks making them impassible for people with wheelchairs and walkers, parents pushing strollers, and folks trying to walk or run safely. How will this be further addressed? on Facebook Share Okay, it has been a year, and here is what I have seen so far: I tried the scooters once myself about 9-10 months ago. It was very convenient to get across town to pick up my car form the shop and not have to arrange a ride from a friend or family member. I live about 2/10 of a mile outside of the geofence, so I had to walk a bit to find an available scooter (found a Lime scooter at the edge of the geofence). On the parts of the trip that were along the Riverside Parkway where there is a nice wide sidewalk and little-to-no foot traffic, the trip was smooth. Once I had to move onto the streets, it was scary as heck. There are not bike lanes on the majority of GJ's streets and the pavement is very rough, with cracks and potholes on the edge where a scooter might want to ride. Will streets be repaired to make operating these scooters safer? Will there be streets that are designated for scooter traffic and/or streets where scooter traffic is prohibited? In parking lots, the riders often zip around, not following traffic lanes, but cutting across and darting out from between parked cars. How can this safety concern be addressed? On a trip downtown at night this weekend, I saw many of these scooters out at around midnight. The reflective devices, and headlights are inadequate to make the scooters/riders visible from a distance. This is extremely dangerous for the riders and not fair to the motorist who will be held liable if they hit a moving object they can barely see. Why to these devices not have better front and rear lights, side reflectors, or be restricted to daylight use only? Recently, I was traveling in my car on North Avenue at about 5:30 pm on a weekday (rush hour, before time change when it was dusk), when a rider inexplicably moved from riding in the far right lane (where I was), to ride the center of the inside/left lane. I assumed he was preparing to turn Left, and was moving over for that purpose, however, he continued in the center of that lane for about 1 mile. He was moving at approximately 20 mph in a 35 mph zone where cars are used to going about 40 mph (it used to be 40 mph years ago). A line of cars formed behind him. Going 15 MPH under the speed limit for long distances and refusing to move to the right while in heavy traffic certainly violates the law: Colorado law prohibits motor vehicle operators from driving at such a slow speed that they impede the normal and reasonable forward movement of traffic, unless their slow speed is necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle. In these situations, the driver must drive in the right‑hand lane if there is one available on the roadway, or pull off the roadway when possible to allow any impeded traffic to pass. I know these devices are supposed to use highly accurate geofencing to keep them off sidewalks in certain areas, so they also need to have the ability to track where riders are using them in travel lanes and give warnings to move right when they are traveling under the posted speed limit and restricting the flow of traffic. This was VERY dangerous to the rider especially. And nearly caused several rear-end collisions for cars not expecting traffic to suddenly come to a crawl. How will impeding traffic be addressed? I have also been irritated by the lack of designated places to park scooters, resulting in the whole city looking like it is inhabited by a pack of 10 year olds who rode home and dumped their bikes in the middle of the sidewalk. They litter the sidewalks making them impassible for people with wheelchairs and walkers, parents pushing strollers, and folks trying to walk or run safely. How will this be further addressed? on Twitter Share Okay, it has been a year, and here is what I have seen so far: I tried the scooters once myself about 9-10 months ago. It was very convenient to get across town to pick up my car form the shop and not have to arrange a ride from a friend or family member. I live about 2/10 of a mile outside of the geofence, so I had to walk a bit to find an available scooter (found a Lime scooter at the edge of the geofence). On the parts of the trip that were along the Riverside Parkway where there is a nice wide sidewalk and little-to-no foot traffic, the trip was smooth. Once I had to move onto the streets, it was scary as heck. There are not bike lanes on the majority of GJ's streets and the pavement is very rough, with cracks and potholes on the edge where a scooter might want to ride. Will streets be repaired to make operating these scooters safer? Will there be streets that are designated for scooter traffic and/or streets where scooter traffic is prohibited? In parking lots, the riders often zip around, not following traffic lanes, but cutting across and darting out from between parked cars. How can this safety concern be addressed? On a trip downtown at night this weekend, I saw many of these scooters out at around midnight. The reflective devices, and headlights are inadequate to make the scooters/riders visible from a distance. This is extremely dangerous for the riders and not fair to the motorist who will be held liable if they hit a moving object they can barely see. Why to these devices not have better front and rear lights, side reflectors, or be restricted to daylight use only? Recently, I was traveling in my car on North Avenue at about 5:30 pm on a weekday (rush hour, before time change when it was dusk), when a rider inexplicably moved from riding in the far right lane (where I was), to ride the center of the inside/left lane. I assumed he was preparing to turn Left, and was moving over for that purpose, however, he continued in the center of that lane for about 1 mile. He was moving at approximately 20 mph in a 35 mph zone where cars are used to going about 40 mph (it used to be 40 mph years ago). A line of cars formed behind him. Going 15 MPH under the speed limit for long distances and refusing to move to the right while in heavy traffic certainly violates the law: Colorado law prohibits motor vehicle operators from driving at such a slow speed that they impede the normal and reasonable forward movement of traffic, unless their slow speed is necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle. In these situations, the driver must drive in the right‑hand lane if there is one available on the roadway, or pull off the roadway when possible to allow any impeded traffic to pass. I know these devices are supposed to use highly accurate geofencing to keep them off sidewalks in certain areas, so they also need to have the ability to track where riders are using them in travel lanes and give warnings to move right when they are traveling under the posted speed limit and restricting the flow of traffic. This was VERY dangerous to the rider especially. And nearly caused several rear-end collisions for cars not expecting traffic to suddenly come to a crawl. How will impeding traffic be addressed? I have also been irritated by the lack of designated places to park scooters, resulting in the whole city looking like it is inhabited by a pack of 10 year olds who rode home and dumped their bikes in the middle of the sidewalk. They litter the sidewalks making them impassible for people with wheelchairs and walkers, parents pushing strollers, and folks trying to walk or run safely. How will this be further addressed? on Linkedin Email Okay, it has been a year, and here is what I have seen so far: I tried the scooters once myself about 9-10 months ago. It was very convenient to get across town to pick up my car form the shop and not have to arrange a ride from a friend or family member. I live about 2/10 of a mile outside of the geofence, so I had to walk a bit to find an available scooter (found a Lime scooter at the edge of the geofence). On the parts of the trip that were along the Riverside Parkway where there is a nice wide sidewalk and little-to-no foot traffic, the trip was smooth. Once I had to move onto the streets, it was scary as heck. There are not bike lanes on the majority of GJ's streets and the pavement is very rough, with cracks and potholes on the edge where a scooter might want to ride. Will streets be repaired to make operating these scooters safer? Will there be streets that are designated for scooter traffic and/or streets where scooter traffic is prohibited? In parking lots, the riders often zip around, not following traffic lanes, but cutting across and darting out from between parked cars. How can this safety concern be addressed? On a trip downtown at night this weekend, I saw many of these scooters out at around midnight. The reflective devices, and headlights are inadequate to make the scooters/riders visible from a distance. This is extremely dangerous for the riders and not fair to the motorist who will be held liable if they hit a moving object they can barely see. Why to these devices not have better front and rear lights, side reflectors, or be restricted to daylight use only? Recently, I was traveling in my car on North Avenue at about 5:30 pm on a weekday (rush hour, before time change when it was dusk), when a rider inexplicably moved from riding in the far right lane (where I was), to ride the center of the inside/left lane. I assumed he was preparing to turn Left, and was moving over for that purpose, however, he continued in the center of that lane for about 1 mile. He was moving at approximately 20 mph in a 35 mph zone where cars are used to going about 40 mph (it used to be 40 mph years ago). A line of cars formed behind him. Going 15 MPH under the speed limit for long distances and refusing to move to the right while in heavy traffic certainly violates the law: Colorado law prohibits motor vehicle operators from driving at such a slow speed that they impede the normal and reasonable forward movement of traffic, unless their slow speed is necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle. In these situations, the driver must drive in the right‑hand lane if there is one available on the roadway, or pull off the roadway when possible to allow any impeded traffic to pass. I know these devices are supposed to use highly accurate geofencing to keep them off sidewalks in certain areas, so they also need to have the ability to track where riders are using them in travel lanes and give warnings to move right when they are traveling under the posted speed limit and restricting the flow of traffic. This was VERY dangerous to the rider especially. And nearly caused several rear-end collisions for cars not expecting traffic to suddenly come to a crawl. How will impeding traffic be addressed? I have also been irritated by the lack of designated places to park scooters, resulting in the whole city looking like it is inhabited by a pack of 10 year olds who rode home and dumped their bikes in the middle of the sidewalk. They litter the sidewalks making them impassible for people with wheelchairs and walkers, parents pushing strollers, and folks trying to walk or run safely. How will this be further addressed? link
Okay, it has been a year, and here is what I have seen so far: I tried the scooters once myself about 9-10 months ago. It was very convenient to get across town to pick up my car form the shop and not have to arrange a ride from a friend or family member. I live about 2/10 of a mile outside of the geofence, so I had to walk a bit to find an available scooter (found a Lime scooter at the edge of the geofence). On the parts of the trip that were along the Riverside Parkway where there is a nice wide sidewalk and little-to-no foot traffic, the trip was smooth. Once I had to move onto the streets, it was scary as heck. There are not bike lanes on the majority of GJ's streets and the pavement is very rough, with cracks and potholes on the edge where a scooter might want to ride. Will streets be repaired to make operating these scooters safer? Will there be streets that are designated for scooter traffic and/or streets where scooter traffic is prohibited? In parking lots, the riders often zip around, not following traffic lanes, but cutting across and darting out from between parked cars. How can this safety concern be addressed? On a trip downtown at night this weekend, I saw many of these scooters out at around midnight. The reflective devices, and headlights are inadequate to make the scooters/riders visible from a distance. This is extremely dangerous for the riders and not fair to the motorist who will be held liable if they hit a moving object they can barely see. Why to these devices not have better front and rear lights, side reflectors, or be restricted to daylight use only? Recently, I was traveling in my car on North Avenue at about 5:30 pm on a weekday (rush hour, before time change when it was dusk), when a rider inexplicably moved from riding in the far right lane (where I was), to ride the center of the inside/left lane. I assumed he was preparing to turn Left, and was moving over for that purpose, however, he continued in the center of that lane for about 1 mile. He was moving at approximately 20 mph in a 35 mph zone where cars are used to going about 40 mph (it used to be 40 mph years ago). A line of cars formed behind him. Going 15 MPH under the speed limit for long distances and refusing to move to the right while in heavy traffic certainly violates the law: Colorado law prohibits motor vehicle operators from driving at such a slow speed that they impede the normal and reasonable forward movement of traffic, unless their slow speed is necessary for the safe operation of the vehicle. In these situations, the driver must drive in the right‑hand lane if there is one available on the roadway, or pull off the roadway when possible to allow any impeded traffic to pass. I know these devices are supposed to use highly accurate geofencing to keep them off sidewalks in certain areas, so they also need to have the ability to track where riders are using them in travel lanes and give warnings to move right when they are traveling under the posted speed limit and restricting the flow of traffic. This was VERY dangerous to the rider especially. And nearly caused several rear-end collisions for cars not expecting traffic to suddenly come to a crawl. How will impeding traffic be addressed? I have also been irritated by the lack of designated places to park scooters, resulting in the whole city looking like it is inhabited by a pack of 10 year olds who rode home and dumped their bikes in the middle of the sidewalk. They litter the sidewalks making them impassible for people with wheelchairs and walkers, parents pushing strollers, and folks trying to walk or run safely. How will this be further addressed?
cowboyblondie asked 10 months agoHi Cowboy, I'm sorry to hear that your experience on the e-scooter was not comfortable. It sounds like your questions generally revolve around where the vehicles can be operated and parked. Our roadway network remains open for all travelers, except where posted (like freeway on-ramps), so there is no plan to exclude e-scooters (shared or personally owned) from any City streets. That said, users are supposed to stay on sidewalks or in cycle lanes on high speed roadways, where available. As for the streets where scooter use is recommended, we are working with the private operators, Bird and Lime, to see how we can more widely distribute either our Wayfinding map and/or our Bicycle Network map to help guide users to the corridors which are lower volume/speed or have better facilities.
Regarding parking, things have been kept fairly clean and organized in the Downtown area via requiring parking in designated corral areas. If we choose to continue the pilot beyond November, we will have the option to expand the area covered by this policy by increasing the number of designated and required parking areas.
routefinding,parkingroutefinding parking -
Share When people use these scooters, I assume they have to agree to a contract. Where can I read these contracts? on Facebook Share When people use these scooters, I assume they have to agree to a contract. Where can I read these contracts? on Twitter Share When people use these scooters, I assume they have to agree to a contract. Where can I read these contracts? on Linkedin Email When people use these scooters, I assume they have to agree to a contract. Where can I read these contracts? link
When people use these scooters, I assume they have to agree to a contract. Where can I read these contracts?
Lloyd asked 10 months agoHi Lloyd, the private operators, Bird and Lime, each have user acknowledgements when people register within its respective app. If you would like to see those agreements, the easiest way would be to download one or both apps on a smartphone. To complete the registration, you will be prompted to agree to the acknowledgement.
registration,agreement,operatorsregistration agreement operators -
Share Although I don’t use the e-scooters myself, I have been jazzed to see people on them. I volunteer on UTC and we saw spectacular numbers for usage at the beginning of the pilot. I do hope the numbers are continuing to grow. There are healthier and safer ways for people to move about the city, and this is one example of that. Thank you! on Facebook Share Although I don’t use the e-scooters myself, I have been jazzed to see people on them. I volunteer on UTC and we saw spectacular numbers for usage at the beginning of the pilot. I do hope the numbers are continuing to grow. There are healthier and safer ways for people to move about the city, and this is one example of that. Thank you! on Twitter Share Although I don’t use the e-scooters myself, I have been jazzed to see people on them. I volunteer on UTC and we saw spectacular numbers for usage at the beginning of the pilot. I do hope the numbers are continuing to grow. There are healthier and safer ways for people to move about the city, and this is one example of that. Thank you! on Linkedin Email Although I don’t use the e-scooters myself, I have been jazzed to see people on them. I volunteer on UTC and we saw spectacular numbers for usage at the beginning of the pilot. I do hope the numbers are continuing to grow. There are healthier and safer ways for people to move about the city, and this is one example of that. Thank you! link
Although I don’t use the e-scooters myself, I have been jazzed to see people on them. I volunteer on UTC and we saw spectacular numbers for usage at the beginning of the pilot. I do hope the numbers are continuing to grow. There are healthier and safer ways for people to move about the city, and this is one example of that. Thank you!
BrookeACarlson asked 10 months agoBrookeACarlson, thank you for your feedback!
Share When will this horrendous program end? With all the scooters littering the sidewalks and properties, this town is starting to look like a junk yard. on Facebook Share When will this horrendous program end? With all the scooters littering the sidewalks and properties, this town is starting to look like a junk yard. on Twitter Share When will this horrendous program end? With all the scooters littering the sidewalks and properties, this town is starting to look like a junk yard. on Linkedin Email When will this horrendous program end? With all the scooters littering the sidewalks and properties, this town is starting to look like a junk yard. link
When will this horrendous program end? With all the scooters littering the sidewalks and properties, this town is starting to look like a junk yard.
JG asked 10 months agoHi JG, I'm sorry you don't like the aesthetics of the e-scooters. The pilot is scheduled to end in mid-November. Prior to that time, staff and Council will be considering options to (A) let the pilot expire with no further action, (B) renew the pilot with or without changes, or (C) implement an enduring permitting process with or without changes.
Perspectives like yours are helpful in constructing staff recommendations. I encourage you to participate on our survey linked at the top of the Engage page.
pilot,parkingpilot parking -
Share Can I ride my RT200 trail bike on those paths its 96cc top speed 27mph?? When there are scooters now that go 40+mph on Facebook Share Can I ride my RT200 trail bike on those paths its 96cc top speed 27mph?? When there are scooters now that go 40+mph on Twitter Share Can I ride my RT200 trail bike on those paths its 96cc top speed 27mph?? When there are scooters now that go 40+mph on Linkedin Email Can I ride my RT200 trail bike on those paths its 96cc top speed 27mph?? When there are scooters now that go 40+mph link
Can I ride my RT200 trail bike on those paths its 96cc top speed 27mph?? When there are scooters now that go 40+mph
KidFich3172 asked over 1 year agoHi KidFich, the scooters in our micromobility pilot are currently limited to 15-20 MPH. The sidewalk speed limit is 6 MPH. The shared scooters or your personally owned device can legally be operated on North Avenue up to the speed limit of 30-35 MPH in the general travel lanes.
operation,speed limitoperation speed limit -
Share How is this sustainable? Will the bike companies continue to pick up the scooters and service them and keep them charged when the city takes this on permanently? Are you monitoring when the scooters are being used..i.e. 10pm on a friday and Saturday nights vs 8 am monday morning to go to work? on Facebook Share How is this sustainable? Will the bike companies continue to pick up the scooters and service them and keep them charged when the city takes this on permanently? Are you monitoring when the scooters are being used..i.e. 10pm on a friday and Saturday nights vs 8 am monday morning to go to work? on Twitter Share How is this sustainable? Will the bike companies continue to pick up the scooters and service them and keep them charged when the city takes this on permanently? Are you monitoring when the scooters are being used..i.e. 10pm on a friday and Saturday nights vs 8 am monday morning to go to work? on Linkedin Email How is this sustainable? Will the bike companies continue to pick up the scooters and service them and keep them charged when the city takes this on permanently? Are you monitoring when the scooters are being used..i.e. 10pm on a friday and Saturday nights vs 8 am monday morning to go to work? link
How is this sustainable? Will the bike companies continue to pick up the scooters and service them and keep them charged when the city takes this on permanently? Are you monitoring when the scooters are being used..i.e. 10pm on a friday and Saturday nights vs 8 am monday morning to go to work?
reginastout asked over 1 year agoHi Reginastout, during the pilot, each operator owns and manages its fleet. If we choose to continue beyond the pilot with either or both of the operators, each will continue to do so. We do monitor key utilization metrics, including Trips per Vehicle per Day (TVD), distribution of distance of rides, and time of day and day of week.
rebalancing,utilization,operatorsrebalancing utilization operators -
Share Why would you take a prime parking spot at the post office to park these things? Parking is already tough there. on Facebook Share Why would you take a prime parking spot at the post office to park these things? Parking is already tough there. on Twitter Share Why would you take a prime parking spot at the post office to park these things? Parking is already tough there. on Linkedin Email Why would you take a prime parking spot at the post office to park these things? Parking is already tough there. link
Why would you take a prime parking spot at the post office to park these things? Parking is already tough there.
dboe350668 asked almost 2 years agoHi Dboe, one of the advantages of micromobility is the small size of the vehicles, meaning that within one parking stall, which could be used by one patron of our downtown businesses, up to a dozen or more people could travel downtown and occupy the same footprint. That said, we are actively monitoring the utilization of the parking corrals and moving them out of parking stalls and into buffer space when possible.
parking,corralparking corral -
Share Really looking forward to having these available all over town, and for a dollar and change I do all my running around town to grab a bite to eat, grocery run etc. From what I understand, the Bird App will show where an available scooter is on the map? I walk to it, log on and ride to a store...park it like its a bicycle out of the way. The when I exit the store I can log back on..... ride it home and park it in my front yard next to the sidewalk and log off. Or can you only pick them up...and drop them off at those few parking areas located on the map? on Facebook Share Really looking forward to having these available all over town, and for a dollar and change I do all my running around town to grab a bite to eat, grocery run etc. From what I understand, the Bird App will show where an available scooter is on the map? I walk to it, log on and ride to a store...park it like its a bicycle out of the way. The when I exit the store I can log back on..... ride it home and park it in my front yard next to the sidewalk and log off. Or can you only pick them up...and drop them off at those few parking areas located on the map? on Twitter Share Really looking forward to having these available all over town, and for a dollar and change I do all my running around town to grab a bite to eat, grocery run etc. From what I understand, the Bird App will show where an available scooter is on the map? I walk to it, log on and ride to a store...park it like its a bicycle out of the way. The when I exit the store I can log back on..... ride it home and park it in my front yard next to the sidewalk and log off. Or can you only pick them up...and drop them off at those few parking areas located on the map? on Linkedin Email Really looking forward to having these available all over town, and for a dollar and change I do all my running around town to grab a bite to eat, grocery run etc. From what I understand, the Bird App will show where an available scooter is on the map? I walk to it, log on and ride to a store...park it like its a bicycle out of the way. The when I exit the store I can log back on..... ride it home and park it in my front yard next to the sidewalk and log off. Or can you only pick them up...and drop them off at those few parking areas located on the map? link
Really looking forward to having these available all over town, and for a dollar and change I do all my running around town to grab a bite to eat, grocery run etc. From what I understand, the Bird App will show where an available scooter is on the map? I walk to it, log on and ride to a store...park it like its a bicycle out of the way. The when I exit the store I can log back on..... ride it home and park it in my front yard next to the sidewalk and log off. Or can you only pick them up...and drop them off at those few parking areas located on the map?
Fergman asked almost 2 years agoHi Fergman, I'm glad you are looking forward to using this new mode during the pilot. Throughout most of the Pilot Area, you may park your device directly at your destination (as long as it is not blocking the sidewalk or public or private access). Only within the Downtown zone, CMU zone, or certain parks, including Canyon View, Lincoln, and Riverfront do you have to locate a corral to end your trip. Those corral locations are visually demarked on the street as well as within the Bird or Lime app.
parking,corralparking corral
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Community Listening Sessions
Micromobility in Grand Junction has finished this stageJune 2022 - July 2022
City Council Public Hearing
Micromobility in Grand Junction has finished this stageJuly 2022
Request for Proposals (RFP) Opens
Micromobility in Grand Junction has finished this stageAugust 2022
Request for Proposals (RFP) Closed
Micromobility in Grand Junction has finished this stageSeptember 2022
Operation of Pilot Program
Micromobility in Grand Junction is currently at this stageThe 18-month pilot program launched on May 16, 2023!
Conversion to an enduring permitting process
this is an upcoming stage for Micromobility in Grand JunctionQ1 2025
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