Micromobility in Grand Junction

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About Shared Micromobility in Grand Junction

Over the course of March 2025, the Shared Micromobility Pilot will be sunset in favor of an enduring permitting program, as supported unanimously by City Council during the February 19, 2025 public hearing. This evolution is informed by almost two years of pilot study, during which staff met regularly with Shared Micromobility operators, other stakeholders, and the general public.

The most significant change being pursued is an expansion and consolidation of the Mandatory Parking Zones (MPZs) which covered the downtown business district, Riverfront corridor, Lincoln Park, Colorado Mesa University, and Sherwood Park throughout the pilot. This is expected to deliver three main benefits for the riders and non-riders alike:

  • Reduced blocking of sidewalks or driveways. As riders will be required to end their trips in a designated corral, there will no longer be "free-floating" parking in the areas covered by the Mandatory Parking Zone. Scooters parked on sidewalks in the residential areas adjacent to downtown comprised the most frequent type of complaint received during the pilot.
  • Reduced visual clutter. Many residents expressed distaste of the visual clutter resulting from scooters being distributed broadly in the community. Similar to the benefit above, consolidating the parking into designated corrals is expected to lessen the impact of any negative visual perception to the community.
  • Improved reliability and intuitive operation. Rider operations will be simplified by allowing more trips to be completed entirely within the MPZ, allowing riders to more reliably know where equipment can be found and no longer expecting riders to come and go between different zones.

To support the expanded MPZs, additional parking corrals will be established through the expansion areas. Signs are being posted in February to designate where corrals are proposed, and any concerns or feedback can be expressed through the Parking Concerns survey.

Have a concern or issue with a scooter?

Please contact the operator via its app or the contact information here:

Vendor ContactBirdLime

About Shared Micromobility in Grand Junction

Over the course of March 2025, the Shared Micromobility Pilot will be sunset in favor of an enduring permitting program, as supported unanimously by City Council during the February 19, 2025 public hearing. This evolution is informed by almost two years of pilot study, during which staff met regularly with Shared Micromobility operators, other stakeholders, and the general public.

The most significant change being pursued is an expansion and consolidation of the Mandatory Parking Zones (MPZs) which covered the downtown business district, Riverfront corridor, Lincoln Park, Colorado Mesa University, and Sherwood Park throughout the pilot. This is expected to deliver three main benefits for the riders and non-riders alike:

  • Reduced blocking of sidewalks or driveways. As riders will be required to end their trips in a designated corral, there will no longer be "free-floating" parking in the areas covered by the Mandatory Parking Zone. Scooters parked on sidewalks in the residential areas adjacent to downtown comprised the most frequent type of complaint received during the pilot.
  • Reduced visual clutter. Many residents expressed distaste of the visual clutter resulting from scooters being distributed broadly in the community. Similar to the benefit above, consolidating the parking into designated corrals is expected to lessen the impact of any negative visual perception to the community.
  • Improved reliability and intuitive operation. Rider operations will be simplified by allowing more trips to be completed entirely within the MPZ, allowing riders to more reliably know where equipment can be found and no longer expecting riders to come and go between different zones.

To support the expanded MPZs, additional parking corrals will be established through the expansion areas. Signs are being posted in February to designate where corrals are proposed, and any concerns or feedback can be expressed through the Parking Concerns survey.

Have a concern or issue with a scooter?

Please contact the operator via its app or the contact information here:

Vendor ContactBirdLime
Page last updated: 28 Feb 2025, 01:18 PM