Education, License and Registration for Bicyclists
Since these changes are being made to accommodate and encourage bicycle travel, isn't it time to regulate this type of travel mode? Safety education, bicycle license fees and registration annually should be required. The goal is for all of us to share the road, so let's share the cost. Let's make sure everyone knows the rules of the roads so we can remain safe. Drivers also need to understand the rules for bicycles.
For example, how many people know that bicycle riders don't have to stop at each stop sign and red light. The following is from CDOT:
What is the Colorado Safety Stop?
The Safety Stop gives people on bikes and other “low speed conveyances” (see next page) the legal option to ride slowly through stop signs without stopping first, as long as they are yielding right of way to pedestrians and other road users who have the right-of-way. Bicyclists and users of low-speed conveyances may also proceed at red lights after coming to a complete stop, if there is no oncoming traffic. Bicyclists and low-speed conveyance users can approach intersections at a reasonable speed and choose to apply the Safety Stop or continue to perform a traditional stop at both stop signs and red lights. Only bicyclists ages 15 and over may perform the Safety Stop. Younger riders may do so when they are with a parent or legal guardian.
Another issue to consider is that retirees continue to move into the Grand Valley, having a significant impact on growth. Is the 7th Street project supporting this demographic?
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