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No on 7th Street Corridor Revisions

It troubles me that all of the small communities on the western slope feel they have to take their main thoroughfares down to one lane, add cyclist lanes, and parking on both sides. Both Montrose, and Delta have done this on their main streets. While it does slow traffic down, it creates more blind spots to be able to see pedestrians and cyclists. 7th street is a main thoroughfare in GJ. Both lanes are needed due to the volume of traffic that traverses the 7th street corridor. Downsizing this in a community that is growing would be a huge step back. I am curious if the same consultant was used in Montrose and Delta. Looks like a very similar design. Similarly, what was done on 4th and 5th streets downtown was a mistake, not only aesthetically, but for traffic flows. If the city is really going to consider input from the community, then they need to take a hard look at the impacts in other communities that have already done this. Especially the impacts to local business. Both Montrose and Delta did this to their main streets and before the change, the main street businesses were at a 90% occupancy. After the change they are now at a 50-60% vacancy. Is this really what GJ wants? I doubt it.

NO NO NO....

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