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No on bikes on main thoroughfares!!

It is mind boggling how everyone seems to be more concerned about bike paths than actual traffic movement. Who pays all of the road taxes?? Motorists, not bicycles! I remember a time when you actually had to register a bicycle & you had a small license plate on it. Now there is no registration for a bicycle, but all of the concern is for making room for them on the main thoroughfares. For example, the ridiculous 4th & 5th street debacle. What would be so wrong with putting the bike paths on secondary streets, such as 3rd street or 6th street. I just wish our city council would be more concerned with the condition of our streets such as pot holes, etc!!

One last thought. How about enforcing rules of the road when it comes to bikes?? Riding against traffic, running through red lights & stop signs etc? I don't drive downtown much anymore, but when I do, I almost always see bicycle riders breaking the road rules!!

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