Some questions...
1) Horizon to Patterson area: How are you planning on making entrances to the several homes and assisted living residences? The trees in the illustrations will certainly make it more challenging for drivers to get in and out of their locales. Why do we need more bike lanes in an area that already has them?
2) Patterson to North: Who is going to be responsible for maintaining the easement between the road and the "Multi-Use Trail"? How much more property are the homeowners and business owners going to be asked to give to the city? There are already sidewalks in either direction. Do we need more?
3) North to Ute: Are you going to install parking meters in front of the historical homes on 7th? How are you planning on reducing traffic flow from four lanes to two lanes? All those trees look pretty in the illustrations, but it sure makes it hard to see when trying to turn to a side street or residence. What's the plan for that? BTW, it looks cheap for a historical area.
4) Are you removing lanes to add street parking to an area of town that is industrial and has it's own parking areas in place?
5) Finally, how much is this going to cost? What is the Return on Investment? How long is this project going to take? How will you compensate homeowners and business people who will have a loss in land or revenue during this process? Is this still up for debate or will you just bulldoze it through like other bad ideas that had negative public response? (ie, 4th & 5th St, Horizon Dr. , etc.)
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