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Bike lanes NO NO NO

No no no … this was a disaster from the start on 4th and 5th streets. Trying to navigate this mess is a nightmare. I attend Downtown Vineyard and just turning from Grand onto 5th and then making a turn into the parking lot is terrible. Leaving the church on 4th is awful trying to decide which lane you are to be in so we have decided to turn left and traveled to 7th street on Ouray to not be in the mess. I was using 5th street the other day and a bus did not pull into the pickup zone so the whole lane of traffic was blocked. Please DO NOT do this to the beautiful historical site of 7th street and remove the unsightly mess on 4th and 5th streets. The bicyclist can travel on 3rd and 6th streets to stay safe. We are upsetting the entire town for the minor bicycle traffic.
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Marco 3 months ago
Yes, 5th & 4th is a disaster! Leave 7th alone. Downtown businesses will suffer.
Share Yes, 5th & 4th is a disaster! Leave 7th alone. Downtown businesses will suffer. on Facebook Share Yes, 5th & 4th is a disaster! Leave 7th alone. Downtown businesses will suffer. on Twitter Share Yes, 5th & 4th is a disaster! Leave 7th alone. Downtown businesses will suffer. on Linkedin Email Yes, 5th & 4th is a disaster! Leave 7th alone. Downtown businesses will suffer. link
dmaiella 3 months ago
A TERRIBLE IDEA, Just NOOOOO!  This makes me wonder if you have money burning a hole in your pocket and can't wait to spend it.  Leave our beautiful 7th Street Historical District alone, DO NOT change anything on 7th Street; no more lane reductions on any streets, and put 4th & 5th Street back to 2-lane.  If this stuff continues, heads will roll at the next election.
Share A TERRIBLE IDEA, Just NOOOOO!  This makes me wonder if you have money burning a hole in your pocket and can't wait to spend it.  Leave our beautiful 7th Street Historical District alone, DO NOT change anything on 7th Street; no more lane reductions on any streets, and put 4th & 5th Street back to 2-lane.  If this stuff continues, heads will roll at the next election. on Facebook Share A TERRIBLE IDEA, Just NOOOOO!  This makes me wonder if you have money burning a hole in your pocket and can't wait to spend it.  Leave our beautiful 7th Street Historical District alone, DO NOT change anything on 7th Street; no more lane reductions on any streets, and put 4th & 5th Street back to 2-lane.  If this stuff continues, heads will roll at the next election. on Twitter Share A TERRIBLE IDEA, Just NOOOOO!  This makes me wonder if you have money burning a hole in your pocket and can't wait to spend it.  Leave our beautiful 7th Street Historical District alone, DO NOT change anything on 7th Street; no more lane reductions on any streets, and put 4th & 5th Street back to 2-lane.  If this stuff continues, heads will roll at the next election. on Linkedin Email A TERRIBLE IDEA, Just NOOOOO!  This makes me wonder if you have money burning a hole in your pocket and can't wait to spend it.  Leave our beautiful 7th Street Historical District alone, DO NOT change anything on 7th Street; no more lane reductions on any streets, and put 4th & 5th Street back to 2-lane.  If this stuff continues, heads will roll at the next election. link