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I went into the 4th and 5th St remodel and restructure with a very open mind, but very quickly decided that it was poorly executed. Taking away turn lanes, that pose no issue, at all (Grand and 4th), making it impossible for a service vehicle to turn onto a side street, especially if there is a car at the stop sign of said side street. The lack of viability of cyclists riding in the bike lanes, when there are cars parked in the "middle of the street" parking, and many more issues, that I can't think of, because I am so upset about the City even considering doing this on 7th Street.

I was and am one of your biggest advocates, for pedestrians and cyclists, but 4thg and 5th were simply a bad design. Horrible, terrible design. Whoever did this, did you spend much time walking or biking on downtown roadways and if you did, and still thought this was a good plan, maybe you should not be designing infrastructure. That was mean, but truth can sting sometimes. Theory and real life are two very different things...

Sorry to rant, but this was a mistake on 4th and 5th and 7rth will be a disaster. Fixe 4th and 5th (with better bike lanes, parking and pillars) first, then we can talk about 7th.

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DOGE 4 months ago
All around flawed thinking from the start!
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