Unhoused Needs Assessment
Like many municipalities, the City of Grand Junction has experienced a recent and dramatic rise in houselessness and the challenges that come with it. The City of Grand Junction and community partners conducted an Unhoused Needs Assessment that ranged from July until November 2023. This assessment aimed to identify strategies and actions to address current and projected needs among individuals and families who may have experienced being unhoused or those perceptions of the unhoused in the City of Grand Junction and throughout Mesa County. The assessment examines current services, needed services, and how social service and behavioral health providers can coordinate to ensure effective service utilization for unhoused individuals.
The assessment utilized a community-level survey, focus groups, and interviews to gather data. In addition, the project team engaged houseless service providers, community leaders, social support system, behavioral health providers, law enforcement, community members, and individuals who are or who have lived the experience of houselessness to identify effective policy and program models that can be tailored to fit the unique context and need in Grand Junction.
In November of 2023 the Draft Unhoused Needs Assessment was shared with City Council, Mesa County Commissioners and 8 Key stakeholder feedback sessions were held both online and in person to start to inform the second phase of the Unhouse Needs Assessment - Strategies. On January 22nd, JG Research presented the proposed strategies in a joint workshop session to City Council and the Mesa County Commissioners. With feedback from the January 22 meeting, JG Research presented the revised draft Unhoused Strategies to City Council for further discussion. Currently, City Staff in conjunction with several partner organizations are working towards developing an implementation plan and intend to present to City Council in early Spring 2024.
Background about Housing in Grand Junction
Grand Junction is committed to enacting housing policies and partnering with outside organizations that seek to increase affordable housing options, and diverse housing choices, decrease the gap between need and housing inventory, and assist those without homes to be matched with supportive services.
In May 2021, the Housing Needs Assessment was completed and included data collection, a community-wide survey, and a series of focus group meetings with key stakeholders. The Assessment then informed the creation of a City of Grand Junction Housing Strategy. After multiple workshops, the City Council adopted Resolution 82-21 (PDF) on October 6, 2021, identifying 12 strategies. City Council approved the thirteenth strategy in December 2022.
Through these strategies, the Housing Division has created programs for Grand Junction residents to assist with workforce housing and related topics.